high school life

Just… Wow

Quick note: if you ‘member, I used to write the tales of Dixon Dills, and I really wanted to start that again, but I didn’t want to have to attach it to every entry(and be able to write it separately), so it’s in a link off to the right. I’ll be loading everything from these […]



It was a late afternoon, one of those afternoons where you have the taste of lunch’s pastrami just sitting in your mouth, slowly growing more and more foul as it turns to gingivitis. It had been a slow day in the office, no visitors, no mail, no mystery. I always hated days like that, because […]

high school life

(Basically) Over

*sigh*In just a couple more days, it’s back to band.Quick story: So one of my little fishies calls me today and asks me(after I have a minor wtf is he calling me moment in my head) if we’ve gotten our music yet. Sorry, no luck this time… This summer was, in the end, pretty generic. […]

high school life

Today is a Sad Day… James Doohan, probably the coolest member of the original Star Trek series has passed away. I’m sad.

high school life

Almost Over

Dang. Crucial.In about a week, it’s back to band.It’s awfully sad how quickly the summer has gone. It’s been fun, but it’s been a blur. I swore to myself I was going to slow this one down and have lots of fun, and I have(had lots of fun). But it’s still gone.With everyone with various […]

high school life

ABSOLUTELY AWESOME NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hockey is back!!!!!!The Canadian Economy will bounce back!!!!

high school life

Reflecting on a Blur

Honestly, I can’t really ‘member what happened last week.Had library duty on Tuesday(though not Monday, thank goodness) as usual, which sucked, as usual. Shelved a bit, then had the wonderful chore of shoveling kitty litter into balloons to be used as juggling balls for an upcoming event.Yup.My partner at library duty quit because of that. […]

high school life

Painting and Such

Firefox is still being a pain, so I’m stuck using IE again. The horrors…Well, we’ve finally started my mom’s project to repaint most of the house. We’ve had it for awhile, so I guess it’s time. Started with the dining room, which I managed to finish in a day. Yellow, as my mom has always […]

high school life

Summer… stuff

Well, my firefox cookies aren’t right or something, and Blogger can’t seem to get this right, so I’m using IE right now *shock* *runs away*.So ‘neways, let’s see… my mom got me started in this thing called “Exam Club” run by TestMasters. While usually they do classes, etc etc, this way, I (well, my mom) […]

high school life

Another Week of Summer…

Well, I’m still up, anxiously waiting till midnight to see my SAT II results on (jerks better put it up at midnight…). This is crucial stuff, I gotta know…Found a recording of the Blue Devils’ Channel One Suite on their website,, if you want to listen. Very interesting, very exciting stuff, though I […]