sports television

Olympics, No Spoiler

Well, if you’re more than a day behind, this actually does have a spoiler, but the first “big” news for the US Olympics team was the result of the 400 IM Finals, featuring Ryan Lochte and Michael Phelps. So, if you hadn’t heard, Lochte won and Phelps was out of the medals. I hadn’t, until […]

sports television

中国的 Olympics

Once every two years, my desire to be anywhere other than in front of a TV evaporates. I tough out the repetitive, vapid commercials in that desire to watch sports I would never even consider watching otherwise. It’s been awhile since Turin, but I remember sitting in my living room at home, watching NBC late […]

high school life sports

Recap on Life

Olympics, CS, Solo So I’ve been a bit too busy to write, which basically means I was addictively watching the Olympics these past 2 weeks. Sure, a lot of the events aren’t worth watching, but there’s stuff to do in the breaks. I have other concerns, however. I’m sure enough of my manhood that I […]

high school life

Two Things I’m not as Bitter about as I Sound

So with a basically free weekend, I got to watch quite a bit of Olympic coverage. It’s pretty sad how much drama there is even with a pretigious event such as this, but I guess, like a lot of things, when ppl care enough, things get ugly. NBC coverage is kind of irritating at times […]