New Year's Goals

New Year’s Hopes: 2012 Edition

Another year, another set of hopes. In case you’re not familiar with this series, my Hopes are like Resolutions, except without the resolve part. I’m not too committed, and therefore basically unable to fail. If that doesn’t quite make sense, you can follow the chain back from last year’s post and look at other explanations […]

New Year's Goals

New Year’s Hopes: 2011 Edition

One week into the new year, and I have already written down the year as 2010 by accident several times. But this year is an exciting year, at least for me, as ’11 has been all around me for the past few years. If you’re a long time reader, you’re probably familiar with my list […]

New Year's Goals

New Year’s Hopes: 2010 Edition

Welcome to 2010; I hope 2009 didn’t leave a bad taste in your mouth. For some of you, I’m hoping that reading my New Year’s Hopes has become a something of a tradition for you. And as usual, I will pretend that my readership is growing and explain why these are Hopes. They’re basically like […]

New Year's Goals

New Year’s Hopes: 2009 Edition

Welcome everyone to 2009, which has come into this world with constant messages of optimism. There are a lot of people who could use some of that right now, and I will do my best to put some out there as well. This topic has turned into an annual event, but I’ll recap in case […]

New Year's Goals

New Year’s Hopes: 2008 Edition

Just like last year, I have another set of hopes. I call them hopes instead of resolutions because I feel that that term almost has inherent failure by tradition. Besides, it’s not a whole-hearted resolution; just a plan. How did I do on the one from last year?Exercise More. I could’ve picked up a book […]

New Year's Goals

To Prove I’m just as dumb as everyone else…

Last year’s hopesHow did that turn out?Study More: In a way. As school work goes, I’m studying smarter, not harder.Practice More: Definitely. I feel way better about how much I’ve improved my tuba-ing this year. Though apparently I was still one card too short of a deck of cards. But I’ll blame that on Mr. […]

high school life New Year's Goals

Resolutions, Schmesolutions

I could “scrooge” the time-honored tradition of New Year’s Resolutions, but I know other can more effectively ridicule the process (mr. castles), and I don’t think it’s a bad idea on the whole, if perhaps inaccurately named.Encarta Dictionary Tools says that a resolution is “determination: firmness of mind or purpose”. Now, we all know that […]