3 weeks ago, my 21st birthday passed. Because I don’t drink, I instead chose to do brunch and have some good afternoon relaxation. Thanks to great company and a delicious carrot cake, my 21st was the happiest birthday I have had in memory. Because I don’t drink, this specific year wasn’t so important. In fact, […]
Throughout high school, I never developed an affiliation with any college sports teams. With college admissions looking almost like a lottery today, I figured I wouldn’t risk the mild embarrassment of attending a rival school to my favorite team. After I decided to come to Stanford, however, I no longer needed to worry. By declining […]
“Inception” Review
You must go to see this movie. Anything more that I would say would diminish the experience. You must go to see this movie.
Bells and Whistles
Recently, Lifehacker published another set of benchmarks for browser performance, and it looks like Chrome has barely managed to edge out Safari and Opera in their total scores. Although adding up performance on different metrics is exactly comparing apples and oranges, the results were good enough to convince me to try out Chrome. And it’s […]
“The Last Airbender” Review
(Author’s Note: shameless plug! A few friends and I are writing for a cooking blog at http://kitchenburn.blogspot.com/ . Check it out for some hilarity) Before heading out to the midnight premiere, my friend Leland emailed out a warning about the movie: 10% fresh on rottentomatoes.com . Admittedly, the fresh rating is often somewhat harsh, though […]
The Other Times
Every kid, at some point, wishes that they could just eat ice cream for dinner. Food is food, and ice cream just happens to be one of the more delicious options. As pointed out by my friend KevBaum, my peers and I at that age where we can make our decisions but aren’t responsible enough […]
What to do about perfection
This season has already been historic for baseball. Rarely can we say that something has never happened before, but before Roy Halladay and Dallas Braden, there have never been more than 2 perfect games in a season. I imagine that in the 9th inning, people were astounded to think it might happen again, until Jim […]
Amidst It All
This past weekend, my dorm took a 3-day trip to Tassajara Hot Springs, not a one of the 12 of us were disappointed. Coming off of week 6, better known as “exactly half-way through the quarter when it makes sense to have midterms and papers”, we were all looking forward to the chance to relax […]
“MacGruber” Review
I’ve been lazy lately, and I will continue to be lazy. Here’s a review for MacGruber that I just wrote for The Unofficial Stanford Blog. While you’re there, subscribe to the best source of real Stanford news.
The Best Things I Shouldn’t Eat
In case you haven’t heard the latest frenzy, KFC has just added the “Double Down” to its menu. My understanding of it is that they took a bacon and cheese sandwich and replaced the bread with fried chicken. For the health-conscious, KFC has also added an option for grilled chicken instead. There are a couple […]