I recently learned that my cell phone provider gets terrible reception out west. Therefore, my mom decided to switch our family provider. Thanks to advertised deals, we also got new phones.Out of the box, mine looked pretty cool. It flips open—my last phone was just a bar—allowing me to answer calls like in the movies. […]
I recently learned that my cell phone provider gets terrible reception out west. Therefore, my mom decided to switch our family provider, with a throw-in of new phones.Out of the box, mine looked pretty cool. It flips open—my last phone was just a bar—allowing me to emulate the cinematic phone pick-up. It feels thinner and […]
Mostly satisfied, but really just want to move on. It’s confusing to write about writing, especially when it ended up as a stream-of-conscious. This morning, I plopped into my chair, eager to begin my writing practice. I had an amazing thread: students hate writing because they’re forced to write on topics they don’t care about. […]
I think this is substantial enough. I’ll just be working to tighten the writing and add to the fluency. This morning, I plopped into my chair, eager to begin my writing practice. I had an amazing thread: students hate writing because they’re forced to write on topics they don’t care about. With a blank screen […]
Well, this should be fun to rewrite. I wrote it, clicked “public post”, and was immediately unsatisfied. There isn’t much in it. I think I need to beef it up before I trim it down. Live and learn. This morning, I plopped into my chair, eager to begin my writing practice. I had an amazing […]
Writing Endeavors
The story blog is kind of dead. Sorry.But if you’re looking for something to read, I’ve started my writing practice blog here, where I post my attempts to write something not lame and casual like I do here. I’ll be updating it bi-daily, and I’d love to hear what you think. If you need to […]
This morning, I plopped into my chair, eager to begin my writing practice. I had an amazing thread: students hate writing because they’re forced to write on topics they don’t care about. As I began my work, I couldn’t. With a blank screen before me, I thought about possible hooks, but none seemed solid. Other […]
I need to practice writing, and all of that will appear here for everyone to read and critique. Now, I intend to update this twice a day. Typically, I will put an idea up in an evening post, then write the rough draft in the morning. The piece will then go through rewrites, depending on […]
Missing Canada
Without an NHL team in town and little natural climatic inclination towards it, hockey rarely comes on TV around here. So when I arrived home to see my sister watching the Stanley Cup finals between the Ducks and Senators, I tuned in.Honestly, hockey never overtook baseball as my favorite sport. In the 9 years I […]
Away on a cruise
I have returned, in high spirits, but no less tired. My extended family had been filtering in for about a week before last Sunday, for both my sister’s and my graduations were happening. With the last of them in, 17 ppl occupied our house to go on the cruise, with Evan’s family of 7 coming […]