
Baking Bravetart’s Oatmeal Cookies

Despite being the recipe in the first post, Dorie’s Moroccan Semolina and Almond Cookies weren’t actually the first batch of cookies I made in this spree. I can’t quite remember whether the cookies or the goal came first, but one sleep-deprived morning, I woke up and just felt like I needed to make cookies and […]


Baking Dorie’s Double-Ginger Crumb and White Chocolate & Poppy Seed Cookies

I don’t make many cutout cookies. I’m not particularly precise in my cooking and baking presentation, so drop cookies that spread to a mostly even circle are my level of comfort. However, I wanted to use these 52 batches to explore the world of cookies, and although I don’t have a nice collection of cookie […]


Baking Tara O’Brady’s Oatmeal Chocolate Chunk Cookies

When I first started cooking for myself, I made a lot of stir-frys. I had watched my mom make it countless times, and it was more of a process than an exact recipe, so I could wing it. My mom usually used onions, carrots, broccoli, and beef, but it could be just about anything in […]


Baking Bravetart’s Honey Roasted Peanut Butter Cookies

Growing up, my family had a few go-to cookie recipes. We, of course, made chocolate chip cookies. There was a variation that called for 4 different types of chips. And there was the peanut butter cookie. I’m sure my mom still has the same printed version in a binder somewhere, but other than using margarine, […]


Baking Dorie’s Chocolate-Raspberry Thumbprints

When we cook meals, we usually cook full portions: most recipes are made for 4-6 servings, but even with two of us, it’s convenient to have a day or two of leftovers. However, I recently have been cooking smaller batches of both dinner and cookies for experimentation. With a dinner recipe, it gives me a […]


Can I Use Store-brand Flour for Cookies?

There are a few grocery items that I will insist on using the name brand product: Ziploc bags, King Arthur bread flour, Arm & Hammer baking soda, to name a few. For other items, I just can’t avoid the allure of a slightly cheaper product: white sugar, dried pasta, milk. It’s all the same, right? […]


Baking Dorie’s Lemon Sugar Cookies

Since I have been on Twitter more, I have learned that many people are unhappy about autobiographical prose in the lead-in before food bloggers get to the recipe. Apparently all of those words are just a waste of space. So far, I haven’t seen the bloggers themselves respond, but other readers have come to their […]


What Ted Lasso Taught Me About Leadership

Ted Lasso started out as a character for an NBC Premier League promo with former SNL cast member Jason Sudeikis as an American football coach attempting to coach an English football (soccer) team. And this turned into a full 10-episode sitcom on Apple TV+. The premise is amusing enough with some predictable jokes about American-British […]


Baking Dorie’s “They Might Be Breakfast Cookies”

I love oatmeal. I have eaten it most weekday mornings for a decade, and although I don’t quite make it the same way as I used to, it still hasn’t gotten old. We typically top the oatmeal with fresh or dried fruit, and we stock plenty of the latter for variety. As such, I thought […]


Worth Chilling Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough?

After my last post comparing the Hershey’s and Nestle Tollhouse chocolate chip cookie recipes, I received almost a dozen recipes from readers about their preferred chocolate chip cookie recipes. I knew I had to try them, but I also want to experiment: the chocolate chip cookie is so ubiquitous that it seems like a neutral […]