
“The Dark Knight Rises” Review

Other than Pixar, I can ‘t think of anyone with as much pressure to deliver quality movies as Christopher Nolan. Since The Dark Knight was released 3 years ago, moviegoers everywhere have been anxious to hear how Batman would follow up the disaster he was left in. Set 8 years after The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises (DKR) finds […]


Taking Back Time By Letting It Slip Away

(This was originally written a few weeks ago in Anaheim at ALA. It has since been edited) 2 1/2 years ago, I went to my first library conference, and that feels like both too recent and too long ago. StackMap is in pretty good shape nowadays. We can always make the product better, but we’ve […]


A Few Notes from ISSS San Jose 2012

This week, I was at ISSS San Jose 2012, the annual meeting for the International Society for the System Sciences. I would try to explain what System Science is, but I actually understand very little, and this conference was my shot at trying to understand what is going on. At a high level, it’s the […]


Beating the Staycation

(This post was written 2 weekends ago and edited more recently) I’m watching baseball from my bed while writing in my journal. After dinner, I’ll probably play some StarCraft against the computer, then get ready for bed around 11-ish to get plenty of rest before early morning of work. This is a solid evening Incidentally, […]


The Mesoamerican Rabbit Moon

It’s storytime again, now relayed by Bernard R. Ortiz de Montellano and Thelma Ortiz de Montellano, who translated Alfredo López Austin, who got it from the 16th century Friar Bernardino de Sahagún, who got it from the Mexica people (also known as the Aztecs). Long ago, the gods gathered in Teotihuacan, an ancient city about […]


About my next computer: insert words in mouth, commence chewing

Since I wrote about how I have been moving to a desktop setup, I have been telling everyone that my next computer would be a Mac Mini. The specs looked good, and it would force me to walk away from my computer instead of lugging my computer around with me. Despite being on the computer […]


Moon Profile: Thoth

Entity Type: Egyptian God Historical Context: Ancient Egypt, at least 1500 BC, +/- 1500 years Representation: either a dog-headed baboon, or an ibis (it’s a funny looking bird that bears no resemblance to a dog or a baboon) Origin: Emerged as a god from the Nile River Delta, but became popular in Middle Egypt (Eshmunen […]


The Limits of the Ancient Egyptian World

Let me start with the story of Osiris and Isis. In Egyptian mythology, Osiris was the god ruler of Egypt. After returning home after a business trip, his brother Set (also brother to Osiris’s wife, Isis; don’t worry too much about familial relations) had a plan to take over: he built a chest the exact […]

tabletop games technology

My Google+ Hangout Success Story

This past weekend, 3 friends and I met up to play Dungeons & Dragons in the early morning, mid-afternoon, and late night, in California, Washington, the UK, and Korea. Simultaneously. And we could all see each other and share notes and drawings with each other. Technology just works when we can easily do things we […]

projects software engineering

Introducing chronoline.js, a JavaScript library for timelines

Sadly, a lot of my work at Zanbato is behind closed doors, but recently, I have been working on a widget that is definitely not proprietary and is available for all of you to use, extend, or even just look at: chronoline.js. chronoline.js is a library for making a chronology timeline out of events on […]