
“Which One is My Bathroom?” Draft, part 4

(See either previous part, or part 1) I arrive at Green Library in the morning, business as usual. I swipe my card, walk through the turnstile, and immediately head downstairs. Libraries have the most ingenious ways of scaring off half-hearted scholars: all of the best work is stashed away in rickety spires and dark basements, […]


“Which One is My Bathroom?” Draft, part 3

(See either previous part, or part 1) I have lived in the United States for just over half of my life now, and those formative years in Texas swept away most of my Canadian traits. I haven’t seen much snow in years, I understand more about the US Congress than the Canadian Parliament, and I […]


“Which One is My Bathroom?” Draft, Part 2

(See part 1 if you’re confused) I’m not picky about chairs, but I am picky about toilets, and some details matter a lot, like seat heights. I need my feet flat on the floor, but not too low. I can’t fault toilet makers for people being different heights, but I can’t blame anyone else about […]


“Which One is My Bathroom?” Draft, Part 1

(This is my quarter project for my english class. It’s long, so I’ve broken it up into a couple parts to make it more tolerable.) It can be frightening to leave the comfort of home, but things change. New schedules mean new habits, new alarm settings, new venues. Over the 2 years I have been […]


Surprising Things

(Here’s the 3rd thing I wrote for my creative nonfiction class. Honestly, I think it’s pretty bad; we were supposed to experiment with structure, so it’s modeled after another list essay called “Hateful Things”) Thinking about a song and iTunes randomly selecting it as the next song to play. Going to buy something at “7-11”, […]


Band Pride

During marching season in high school, band practice dictated how I dressed. On practice-free days, I could wear anything, but when we had after-school rehearsal, I always wore one of our white band t-shirts. The shirts were absolutely plain other than a small logo on the right chest, but that logo meant a lot to […]


Tom’s Room, Draft 1

Here’s something I wrote for my creative non-fiction class. The assignment was to write a 700 word portrait of someone, keeping sensory details in mind. This is my first run at it. I got some good feedback today in class, so there might be a revision. “You want any diet soda? I have a ton […]


Voice: not as important as you might think

The school year has started well, thanks to a roaring start including a podcast, 3-seat couch, great faces to see on campus, and a sweet English class. Well, perhaps I wasn’t so roaring. Last Sunday, I very suddenly lost my voice after dinner. I was somewhat distressed by how quickly things got worse since only […]


my idea:

Here’s an idea I had about a week ago while lying in bed, severely jet-lagged. I’m pretty sure that this is at least better than the “shower idea”. Today, everyone is going crazy about Obama’s healthcare proposal. If you haven’t heard about it, I recommend that you not go to any town hall meetings. Anyways, […]


Letter about a Palo Alto pedestrian mall

I was inspired to write the following letter, which I may or may not try to find someone to send this to. Feel free to comment on it, especially if of the “what are you thinking, it would be an idiot move to let anyone official read this” variety, because I honestly have done 0 […]