
"Overtoasted" Part 2

A secretary dashed into the doorway, took one look at the body, and screamed. “Yes,” I responded, feeling around for a non-existent pulse. “The burning smell is going to linger for days.” The secretary continued to look in horror. “Well don’t just stand there.” I gestured down the hall. “Go find some help. And an […]


"Overtoasted" Part 1

It was a slow day. Like most days. Slow and sweaty. I had read the news many times. “Roosevelt’s Health Deteriorates.” “Hitler increases pressure on Neighbors.” “Vodka-powered Russian Army to Defend.” Nothing new. I looked out my window at the stores. Matt’s Laundromat. Kent’s Electronics. The Finer Diner. Same view as for the last fifteen […]


"Overtoasted" Part 1

So I realize I haven’t stuck much to my weekly plan for updating my blog. I could write a real post, but I think I’m going to punt until after finals finish in 2 days. For my “Humans & Machines” final, I had to create some creative product and do a write-up on how it […]