
My Top 10 Christmas Songs

Thanksgiving has passed, and the holiday season is well underway. As is now American tradition, there’s outcry about how commercialized Christmas and other December holidays have become, but there are also the more heartwarming parts. There’s the tree decorating that I don’t do because I just go home a few days before Christmas. There’s the […]


Christmas Cooking with the Leungs

Merry Belated Christmas, Happy New Year in advance, and Happy Holidays as a catch-all! Here at the Leung family estate, being all together means a few things: whining, bickering, accusing, and, most importantly, cooking. Often all at the same time. Over each other. It’s quite an enlivening experience once you get used to it. But […]


Christmas is for Kids

This Christmas, my family is all back together, which, these days, is very rare. My sisters, my dad, and my grandparents have had staggered entrances and some quick exits, so the only day we’re all together is today. My sisters and mom are putting in the kitchen work behind me to prepare for dinner, while […]

high school life

Life on Break

So what would the average male teenager do given several days of basically nothing? Video games, of course. It’s kind of sad how much time I’ve invested in them. I can’t say that CS:S leaves me with the most satisfying feeling. Neither do I feel ‘ne smarter for doing it. And I’ve spent way too […]

high school life

5 down, 3 to go

Well, the fall semester of jr year has ended, and, boy, I’ve never been happier. They always say that jr year is the toughest, and even with a light schedule, it is worse. Tolerable, but worse. Exams were too bad in that not bad until something happens on my report card sort of way. Exempting […]