video games

Why I Think StarCraft is Awesome

I play, watch, read, write, and think a lot of StarCraft. Specifically, since StarCraft 2 came out in July 2010, I have played at least 653 games of StarCraft (source:; watch on average a half hour to an hour of StarCraft a day via online streams like Twitch; read /r/starcraft first thing in the morning, last thing at […]


Reflecting on “30 Rock”

In 3rd grade, my dad decided that my sisters and I should no longer be allowed to watch TV. In the coming years, we picked up a few shows (Enterprise and House, to be specific) that we watched for exactly that time slot, but turning on the TV just “to see what’s on” ended. During senior year […]


Why I Ate Cake for Breakfast

Julie’s birthday was last weekend, and I made her a chocolate avocado cake as part of the avocado potluck birthday party. Since Julie had also received a chocolate cake from her mom, I kept the leftovers of my cake at home and ate it over the next weekend, and I finished it for breakfast this […]

board games

Finally Settling

“Really? How have you never played Settlers of Catan?” Despite playing many board games now, I didn’t play Settlers until just last week, which led to the reaction above from various friends. Many people are first introduced to more serious, strategy board games shortly after college, and Settlers of Catan tends to be where it […]

software engineering

Treasoning about Code

A few months ago, I switched from emacs to vi. This is a really big deal, so please take a moment to process this fact. If you don’t have a strong opinion on this matter, let me explain what the big deal is in the editor war. People have lots of tiffs in technology choices. […]


The Gift of a Hat

(Author’s note: I wrote this in mid-January but haven’t gotten around to posting it until now) Julie was surprised when I mentioned a scarf as a possible Christmas gift. I explained to her how nice a scarf would be for the cold, minter nighttime bike rides I regularly do, but she was actually surprised that […]


My Vegas Heist

It’s the perfect heist. I go to Las Vegas for the long weekend with small team, masquerading as a bunch of recent grads looking to live up a weekend on the strip. We walk up and down the strip, try to beat the buffets, and see shows. Meanwhile, we have acquired keys to a home […]

football games

Fantasy Football and Friends

I had never been so concerned about athletes, many of whom I have never even seen, before I joined a fantasy football league this season. For the past 4 months, my fantasy roster replaced my email inbox as the focus of constant checking for changes that rarely happens. I was concerned that fantasy football would […]

New Year's Goals

New Year’s Hopes: 2013 Edition

Happy new year everyone! It appears that I haven’t written a real post for a few weeks now, but this annual tradition is just the reason I need to start again. If you aren’t familiar with it, my Hopes are like Resolutions, except without the resolve so when I inevitably miss the goals, it isn’t […]

psychology reading technology

Discussion Questions for “Alone Together”

For November, my book club* read Sherry Turkle’s Alone Together. In it, Turkle, a professor at MIT, investigates how our relationship with technology has developed. In part 1, she writes about robots, from tamagotchis and furbies to robots for elderly care, and how we interact with and feel about them. In part 2, she writes about […]