This week, I was in the art area where most attention was around drawings of the chickens. We put Fluffly and Sparkles into a box on the table, where the children could make observational drawings. A. was one of the first to draw, and she drew and finished quickly without getting stuck on any particular […]
This week, I stayed mostly in the sand area with Seyon, where the big activity for the day was a volcano. That morning, Seyon had snaked the hose through the sand with the end in the middle of a packed pile of sand, and slowly trickling water through the hose caused water to slowly seep […]
This week was the first opportunity I had to work closely with Peckie, my liaison teacher, as we both supervised the patio area. This situation was helpful in gaining insight into the design of the activities, the background of individual children, techniques for interacting with children, and other perspectives on observed behavior. Peckie pointed out […]
For most of my time during this past session, I was in the language area, either helping children with stories or watching them set puzzles. Although several children came through, there seemed to be a few children who primarily stayed in this area and that most of my attention was fixed on. N. came in […]
(This quarter, I’m taking Psych147, Development in Early Childhood. The main part of the class is spending some time every week at Bing Nursery School playing with children. As part of the class, we write journal entries every week about our experiences, and given the haphazard form of them, they seem perfectly appropriate for this […]
The Katamari Itch
A few weeks ago, I came across an interesting little project that turns a webpage into a game of Katamari. It takes any page (preferably one with a lot of text) and adds a ball that can be rolled around on the page using the mouse. Whenever it runs over a piece of text, it […]
A Few Thoughts on Watson on Jeopardy
Earlier this week, Watson, an artificial intelligence program developed by IBM, competed against Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter on Jeopardy!. Seeing as this was the closest thing to my nerd roots being in pop culture, I avidly watched all 3 days of games, the NOVA episode on it, and attended a viewing party on-campus hosted […]
Experimentation with the Natural World
(I haven’t written in awhile, and I don’t know when I will, so this is intended as filler. This paper is for HISTORY 31: Science, Technology and Art: The Worlds of Leonardo da Vinci. The citation superscripts were lost in the mix, but they’re at the bottom, if unlabeled. Hope you enjoy or at least […]
New Year’s Hopes: 2011 Edition
One week into the new year, and I have already written down the year as 2010 by accident several times. But this year is an exciting year, at least for me, as ’11 has been all around me for the past few years. If you’re a long time reader, you’re probably familiar with my list […]
Chinese Buffets
My family doesn’t go out to eat much. My mom was almost always willing to cook, with the notable exception being after “Money Day” when she, as treasurer for the high school band boosters, ran kids through stations to pay for yearly expenses. Other than that, we generally avoid fast food and have tons of […]