Santa Clara Vanguard. Phantom Regiment. Blue Devils. Easily one of the best shows of my life. As important as marching band was to me in high school, I rarely think it it now. These rare flashes, however, come with large bouts of nostalgia. On one of those a few weeks ago, I fired up footage […]
Author: kevin
Quieter Campus != Quieter Life
Campus feels much different from the school year. Instead of crazy passing periods in the last 10 minutes of every hour each morning and an onslaught of potentially mandatory activities, bike lots have much open space, and everyone seems to have an easier groove. My life, however, has morphed into a different sort of activity. […]
Fending for Ourselves
Coming to college was a big change. The number of and influence of authority figures lessens. No one tells you how atrocious your living conditions are. No one even suggests that you need to study or that you’ve wasted your evening screwing around with your friends. But with great freedom comes great responsibility. Gotta keep […]
Not All Parody: The Treatment of Musicals in The Simpsons and Family Guy After a long, tough day, you come home to your couch and television just in time for The Simpsons: good humor, with both high parody and dirty jokes from the outrageous Simpsons life. Instead, the episode “All Singing, All Dancing” begins, a […]
When Summer Strikes Late
I just finished my last final this afternoon and am greatly relieved, though somewhat sad. My dorm gets emptier and emptier, while I stay here until the summer session starts and I can shift into new housing. But it’s been a good year. College offers many different opportunities than before, ranging from the freedom to […]
Indiana Jones Review
Of course, warning; I don’t intend to put spoilers in here, but I can’t promise you that I’ll catch everything. And I feel like it’s better to watch and develop an opinion, then discuss. But I won’t stop you if you haven’t seen it. So last night, I went with several of my dormmates to […]
Expanding Horizons
Yesterday, several of my dormmates and I took a trip to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Arts (SF MOMA) as part of a grant. People often look at modern art and say, “I could’ve done that,” and our experience was a way of challenging that. San Francisco is a city with a lot of […]
Lazyish Sunday
I remember reading an article awhile ago about how to procrastinate productively. The article explained one tactic where to procrastinate on one task, one should instead work on other tasks. And hence has been my tactic this morning. I have slept in, caught up on backlogged articles, gone through some old emails, worked on Chinese, […]
New Quarter, New Priorities
On Friday, I woke up and realized that on that day, I wouldn’t need my hoodie when I rode to class in the morning. The temperature has jumped, and I heard some complaints around the dorm. But for me, it’s just beautiful and comfortable. And a sign that it truly is Spring Quarter. The quarter […]
Being home is nice. Sitting in my old chair, sleeping in my old bed, seeing my high school friends, talking to my mo, watching Star Trek. Sometimes it doesn’t seem like you’re running that fast until you take a breather. It’s interesting to think about how that last quarter went. Defintely busier than the one […]