tabletop games

How to Start Without Session Zero

Common advice on the internet about starting a campaign is to hold a Session Zero. Rather than starting with the game itself, GMs instead are told to first gather information and set expectations about what will happen in the rest of the campaign. In principle, it sounds like a good idea. A playgroup can get […]


Should I “Old Enough!” My Toddler?

I promise I have more thoughts on parenting than just watching TV and movies, but Old Enough! is a big enough that I have to stay topical. Old Enough! has apparently been on Japanese TV for awhile, but it just made a big splash on Netflix a few weeks ago. Children go on errands all […]

D&D tabletop games

GMing Without Devices

When I was running games for my adult friends, I didn’t worry about phones or laptops at the table. Sure, they checked social media and texts during most sessions, but they were mostly attentive, and I didn’t want to be “that GM” with them. However, when I started this campaign with teens, I wanted to […]


3 Stages of Watching Family Movies

Like many others, I grew up on Disney movies. My family had an extensive collection of VHS tapes, from Snow White & the Seven Dwarves to The Lion King. And when we weren’t watching the movies themselves, we also had the singalong tapes to annoy my parents. My sisters and I loved those movies as […]

D&D tabletop games

The Minimum Acceptable Session Length

D&D takes a long time. Movies are around two hours long. MLB has been shortening baseball games because three hours was too long. The average commute (during the before times of 2019) was about a half-hour. And yet, when you ask people about their weekly games, it sounds like sessions commonly go on for around […]


Retaining What I Learn Revisited

In 2019, I set a goal to retain more of what I learned. I enjoy consuming a variety of educational media in books, newsletters, podcasts, and more, but I had difficulty retaining it much of it. By the end of that year, I called it a mixed success with a few takeaways: Mental reviews immediately […]


Daylight Saving Time Listicle

Twice a year, we all ask ourselves, “So what was the point of this in the first place?” Well, I thought I knew why we change our clocks, but apparently I was wrong. Here’s assorted list of Daylight Saving Time facts. Some of these are easily picked out of the Wikipedia article, but a few […]

parenting personal technology

Changed My Mind: 2021 Edition Part 1

I always find it interesting when I change my mind about something. It can happen at any time for any reason, and I might not become conscious of it for awhile. However, when I actually realize it, it’s an interesting moment. It’s hard to remember my previous mindset and reconcile why it happened. Some amount […]

board games

Board Games Best Played Online

Over the past 2 years, I have played 267 games on Board Game Arena. I have both learned many new games as well as gotten deeper into many of my past favorites. Although I have played a few games live, I mostly play turn-based games over the course of days or weeks. Rather than needing […]

New Year's Goals

My 2022 Goals

You might say that I’m 6 weeks late in setting goals for the entire year. I am going to spin that and say that I just have gotten past the typical New Year’s resolution failure point and am going with something sustainable. Play “Happy Birthday” on Ukulele every day Band was probably the most important […]