blogging essay technology

Outrage and Strongly Worded Blog Posts

On my long drive back down the west coast this past holiday season, I listened about 20 hours of podcasts. Most of them were political and current events, including “Left, Right, and Center”, “The Bugle”, and my favorite, “Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me.” I also listened to several episodesĀ of “Political Gabfest”, and one segment about […]

essay psychology

The Effect of a Placebo-based Policy

(Disclaimer: I don’t actually know that much about medical ethics or public policy, so I welcome all comments to educate me on the issues here. Also, I will miss citing things because I’m a lazy blogger, so I recommend that if you’re interested, you do your own research) The Placebo Effect is a well-known phenomenon […]


How Friendly Public Transit can be Cynical

People seem to agree that the Caltrain is a better experience than BART as public transit options in the Bay Area. Whereas the BART is a dinky, old subway system, the Caltrain is overall a comfortable and happy experience from station to station. I agreed with Caltrain’s superiority until recently when I had several difficulties […]


Why Campaign Rules Turn Politicians and Voters into Bad People

You can find it after the jump to TUSB. I would’ve posted it here, but it’s something I genuinely want feedback on, so I figured I would try to hit a bigger audience. Let me know what you think.

essay technology

Why We Don’t Need to Worry About Robots’ Rights

Last Thursday, I went to a panel discussion being held at the Stanford Law School by The Center for Internet and SocietyĀ on “Legal Perspectives in Artificial Intelligence.” My mind is mostly buried in the AI, but since I have recently become more interested in policy in general and the social impact of technology, I thought […]


Letter about a Palo Alto pedestrian mall

I was inspired to write the following letter, which I may or may not try to find someone to send this to. Feel free to comment on it, especially if of the “what are you thinking, it would be an idiot move to let anyone official read this” variety, because I honestly have done 0 […]


A Word to Future Academic Decathletes

I went in to visit and help out the Taylor AD team today, and I had come up with a sort of motivational speech for the occasion. I, however, was never actually called on to talk to them as a group, and thus, the speech ended up being unnecessary. Instead, it’ll reside here in my […]


Trip to Chinatown

My friend Willie organized a trip out to Chinatown last weekend for some of my friends and me. Eight of us packed into a van to a Chinese restaurant for lunch, milk tea, and a supermarket tour. A hill and tollway later, we were there. While driving several months ago, I remember listening to a […]


Wondering about Wonders

On the bus to Project Graduation, I got into a discussion about the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. As we tried to discuss the various wonders, we soon realized that we couldn’t actually remember all seven (we forgot the Temple of Artemis). Various forces destroyed six of the seven many years ago, so I […]

essay projects

Gum on My Shoe: Final Draft

It’s more realistic that I update this once a day. Hopefully, I won’t completely skip a day because I know I’ve already failed missing out in the morning.One amazing benefit of this blog I’ve already seen: I only put a single space at the beginning of my sentences. Apparently putting two spaces is an unnecessary […]