football personal video games


I have a few things to share that I considered writing full posts on. When I thought through the result, however, the result would likely be tedious and overanalyzed, so I’m bunching them instead. Return to Baldur’s Gate My favorite video game series is Baldur’s Gate, and the first game has been re-released as “Baldur’s […]

board games projects software engineering

The Board Game Chooser: find a board game for any occasion with a few simple questions

My friends and I have been playing a lot of games together recently. It’s quite remarkable how much time one has when no longer in school, and given how much time we spend together, it always helps to find fun, accessible activities for us to do together. Enter board games. It turns out there’s a […]

tabletop games technology

My Google+ Hangout Success Story

This past weekend, 3 friends and I met up to play Dungeons & Dragons in the early morning, mid-afternoon, and late night, in California, Washington, the UK, and Korea. Simultaneously. And we could all see each other and share notes and drawings with each other. Technology just works when we can easily do things we […]

video games

My Thoughts on the Diablo 3 Beta

Hopefully those of you who also spent years in Diablo 2 didn’t miss the big news last weekend that Diablo 3 was in open beta for stress testing. The servers were up and down as Blizzard presumably was testing various capacities and training staff responses, but it was a tremendous opportunity for many fans of […]

board games

A Brief Introduction to Arkham Horror

(Note: post was started last weekend, so the dates are a little off) As of a week and a half ago, I’m done with school. I took my last final, graded a ton of exams, and promptly got on with all of the things that I didn’t do because of classes. The most concrete of […]

video games

The Katamari Itch

A few weeks ago, I came across an interesting little project that turns a webpage into a game of Katamari. It takes any page (preferably one with a lot of text) and adds a ball that can be rolled around on the page using the mouse. Whenever it runs over a piece of text, it […]

video games

A Little Beta about Starcraft 2

Thursday morning, I woke up, bumbled my way down the ladder, popped out my retainer, threw some water in my face, and sat down at my desk to check my email. One of the something silly my mom forwarded along. The other was from my drawmate George, and when he knocked on my door literally […]

tabletop games

Life at a Magic Tournament

(Note: if you actually want a tournament report and specifics about what I played, head over to my other blog) Last weekend, my roommate Tom and I woke up early, hoped in a rickety white van, and drove across the bay to Oakland to participate in Grand Prix: Oakland, one of the competitive, open, official […]

travel video games

Blizzcon 2009

It’s not often that one inadvertently ends up at an Ozzy Osbourne concert. This past weekend, I roadtripped with 3 of my friends down to LA to go to Blizzcon and visit the area. Consistently making the best PC games, Blizzard has a huge fanbase, and those fanatics can buy up 20,000 tickets in less […]

college life games

Lazyish Sunday

I remember reading an article awhile ago about how to procrastinate productively. The article explained one tactic where to procrastinate on one task, one should instead work on other tasks. And hence has been my tactic this morning. I have slept in, caught up on backlogged articles, gone through some old emails, worked on Chinese, […]