football personal video games


I have a few things to share that I considered writing full posts on. When I thought through the result, however, the result would likely be tedious and overanalyzed, so I’m bunching them instead. Return to Baldur’s Gate My favorite video game series is Baldur’s Gate, and the first game has been re-released as “Baldur’s […]


Making Porridge Like My Mom

The week before Thanksgiving, I made a Thanksgiving dinner for my coworkers and used it as a small housewarming event. The menu was traditional and mostly new for me, especially the turkey. The only large piece of meat I cooked before was corned beef slowly on my stove, so I consulted various sources in advance. […]


Digging into the Stanford-Oregon Outcome

(I started this Sunday but didn’t finish it until today) Before the football game started yesterday, I was certain that #13 Stanford was going lose to #2 Oregon. I had watched our team go into the Oregon game with high hopes the two previous years and been flustered by their strategy and burned by their […]


“Skyfall” Review

On the car ride home, a few friends and I were discussing a few random memories and some Bond trivia, most of which I was able to place or answer. It turns out that spending most of a winter vacation in South Carolina watching the 007 Days of Christmas and another summer watching a Bond […]

software engineering

Installing Django on Mountain Lion (+ MySQL and PIL)

UPDATE 1/14/13: A few small corrections. See Jonathan’s comment below if you’re having issues installing mysqldb A few years ago, I posted instructions on installing Django on Snow Leopard. Since then, things happen gotten a lot easier. At that time, there was a weird shift going on with 64-bit computing that made it difficult to […]


My Mailbox and Me

When I moved in, I received 2 keys to the front door, 2 keys to the storage unit, and directions to the parking spot for the car I do not have. With that, I felt more than set to move in and happily moved all of my boxes in. After talking to my neighbor, I […]



(I wrote this last night into my journal and am transcribing it today along with some edits as I go) This evening, I spent about an hour breaking apart, smashing, peeling, and blending cloves from about 15 heads of garlic, which resulted in a frozen log of crushed garlic (to be broken off in pieces […]


Summary of NASA Moon missions

I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. -President John F. Kennedy, May 25, 1961 In recent months, the NASA space program has made a splash in the news for a few […]


Off The Clock

(Author’s note: backlogged from maybe 2 weeks ago) I’m kind of a spaz when it comes to time. I’m the only punctual person in a world stuck 15 minutes behind me and the clocks that we supposedly agree to. While I’m optimizing my actions to avoid unnecessary waiting and gaps, everyone else is carelessly meandering […]

board games projects software engineering

The Board Game Chooser: find a board game for any occasion with a few simple questions

My friends and I have been playing a lot of games together recently. It’s quite remarkable how much time one has when no longer in school, and given how much time we spend together, it always helps to find fun, accessible activities for us to do together. Enter board games. It turns out there’s a […]