
Baking Dorie’s Maple-Star Anise Sandwich Cookies

Most sandwich cookies are poorly designed. The most common issue is that the filling oozes out when you try to bite into it because the cookie is too hard compared to the inside. With icing, this can lead to imbalanced bites, but ice cream fillings can leak everywhere. So with a healthy dose of skepticism, […]


Baking Bravetart’s New-fashioned Snickerdoodles

Snickerdoodles always struck me as a very kiddie sort of cookie. Well, I think most cookies are well targeted towards children, but something about the name, simple flavor, and heavy coat of cinnamon sugar feels like childhood. Maybe like Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal in cookie form. Stella Parks aka Bravetart goes into significantly more detail […]


Baking Dorie’s Cocoa-Tahini Cookies with Sesame Crunch

Despite having kept tahini in my fridge for years, I was surprised when I heard a guest on Milk Street Radio say that she puts it on everything from roasted vegetables to ice cream. I had only ever used tahini, a sauce made of ground sesame and oil, to make hummus. Soon after, I saw […]


Are Chocolate Chip Cookies Worth Their Salt?

Most people, even irregular bakers, have a go-to chocolate chip cookie recipe. And I suspect the most popular go-to is Nestle Toll House recipe. It comes on the back of the bag of Nestle chocolate chip, which is of course consumed in its entirety, and it makes for nice, flat, soft and crunchy cookies. That […]


Baking Dorie’s Snowy-Topped Brownie Drops

Classic debate: cookies or brownies? Well regardless of your answer, Dorie has you covered.

New Year's Goals

My 2021 Goals

Historically, my goals have been about me. What do I want to learn? How do I want to change? What do I want to accomplish? Just like everything else in my life, however, my goals have to change now that I have a baby. She is insistent upon getting the attention she needs, and I […]


Baking Dorie’s Two-Bite One-Chip Cookies

There are plenty of types of cookies out there with all sorts of wacky flavors and compositions. However, if I was going to say what is essential in a cookie recipe, I think a cookie must have: Fat, like butter or oil Sugar, or a sweetener with sugar in it Flour or some other primary […]


Baking Dorie’s Moroccan Semolina and Almond Cookies

My cupboard, spice rack, and fridge door are filled with half-used ingredients from the past decade: we make a recipe that just needs a tablespoon of this powder or that extract. I wish I could just forget about it, but they take up space when I’m looking for something else. So when I find a […]

New Year's Goals

2020 Goals Review

I set my 2020 Goals before we went into lockdown, and they now seem quaint compared to what COVID, the George Floyd protests, California wildfires, and the 2020 US presidential election brought. However, these goals were the small progress I could make, so here’s how it went. Eat Vegan for Lunch It’s not actually hard […]

board games movies reading television video games

My 2020 Recommendations

Before writing my new recommendations, I reviewed my past recommendations and noticed mostly games and long-form content. I usually like those, but that’s not what I found this year. This year, it was mostly shorter, non-interactive online content. That fits with my 2020. I also have written about several of these recommendations already, so I […]