(Author’s note: you probably have to view this blog post on my site and not a reader or link because the entire body text is an image.)
Author: kevin
Not Too Little, Not Too Munchery
Many websites today have poor user experiences. Some are annoying. Some are cluttered. A common problem is that they make it difficult for users to do what they want to do. You know what flows typically are very easy? Anything where users are buying things. It’s not perfect: I have many times dug out my […]
Long ago, humans discovered fire and began to cook their food. Not soon after, they began to complain about eating the food cooked yesterday and why they couldn’t go out and hunt or forage for new food instead. Fast forward to today, and not much has changed. Basically, there are 2 options: going out or […]
My Top 5 Funniest Movie Scenes
I once read that lists are a cheap way to write blog posts. They are easy to write because instead of composing 1000 words that flow together, you just have to write, say, 5 200 word snippets that fit together. From a writing perspective, this is true, but I have been thinking about this blog […]
(Author’s note: you know that thing I do in my writing where I write about one thing but am actually writing about something else? Yeah, that’s happening below, so even if you don’t care about video games, you may still like the rest of my post. However, you may not like any of it. Just […]
Watching the Super Bowl with Librarians
What a Super Bowl. The game literally game down tot he last minute after several momentum swings throughout the game. With an acrobatic catch on the ground and a few interceptions, football doesn’t get much better than that. Of course, I was largely neutral and only slightly favoring the Seahawks, so barring a total blowout, […]
Stories versus Statistics
I like statistics. Statistics don’t lie. Out of context, they can mislead, but they can’t lie. I like stories. Stories create meaning. Out of context, they can mislead, but they are just as impactful. Unfortunately, stories and statistics are very different approaches and often conflict with each other. Here are a few examples. Baseball loves statistics. […]
I recently have been engrossed by storytelling. Finding stories everywhere has been awesome. My fascination started with joining a book club about 2 years ago. Before book club, I hadn’t read fiction since high school, and most of that was mandatory. In between, I read various nonfiction and enjoyed the epiphanies and moments of wonder. […]
On my long drive back down the west coast this past holiday season, I listened about 20 hours of podcasts. Most of them were political and current events, including “Left, Right, and Center”, “The Bugle”, and my favorite, “Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me.” I also listened to several episodes of “Political Gabfest”, and one segment about […]
Who is using Facebook these days?
(Author’s note: I embrace the irony that most of my readers will come from the facebook link) I often use my younger cousins to find out what’s going on with kids these days. A few weeks ago, I asked them to explain what “ratchet” meant. They tried to explain. I still don’t think I get it. […]