
Avatar Review

My draw group talks about movies and TV a lot, and whenever we mentioned upcoming movies, Avatar came up. As such, Alex has told me at least 5 times, “This is the movie that James Cameron has wanted to make for 15 years but has been waiting for the technology to get good enough to […]


Changing themes

I think it’s time that I play around with themes, so there might be some changes around here if I continue to think it’s interesting to tweak. I am, of course, not talented enough to come up with my own theme, but I might tweak the one that I found.



On the car ride back from the airport, my mom asked me which room I wanted. I instinctively wanted my room, but I waited for an explanation instead. “The bed is now in Nicole’s room, and there’s just an air mattress in your room,” she explained, eyes fixed on I-10 and the rain. “Well, is […]


Thoughts on the Walt Disney Family Museum

A few months ago, I saw an article in the Times about a Disney museum. I read it only out of interest in Disney stuff, but when I saw that the museum was in San Francisco, I knew I had to go. Over Thanksgiving break, I made my way into the city and got to […]

college life

Overheard at Office Hours

Some great things I heard today while at office hours. Who knew getting help on a problem set could be so much fun? 1. (This one is second-hand, about a student’s matlab code of a learning algorithm) Student: Can I still get most of the points if I’m not getting the right results? TA: If you […]


You Use This Washroom Often? By Kevin Leung

(This is the final draft of my quarter project from my creative non-fiction class. Since I’m not trying to sucker anyone into reading it this time, it’s just all in one post, so I hope you enjoy) I’m sitting on my throne, going through the motions. From my perch on the toilet in the back […]


The Aftermath of Big Game

I woke up yesterday morning on the the couch. Not the bad sort of waking up on the couch, but the two-room double and not wanting to be in the bedroom sort of waking up. The sun through the window told and scolded me for sleeping in, but Daylight Savings Time meant that I had […]


My TV schedule

The big news is my sphere of pop culture is that “Dollhouse” has been cancelled. I think it makes Joss Whedon look like a sucker for going back to FOX after they cancelled “Firefly” on him, but at least we got more than more one season and a chance for closure. At the end of […]


“Which One is My Bathroom?” Draft, part 6, final part

(See either previous part, or part 1) It’s the end of the week, and research has gone fine. I have enough stories, I think, and return to my home. Daily in hand, I walk in and take a seat in the Robinson 3rd floor bathroom, outside stall. Uncharacteristically, the seat looks dirty, so I pull […]


“Which One is My Bathroom?” Draft, part 5

(See either previous part, or part 1) I had visited the least classy spot, and I needed to see the full spectrum. I planned to be near the quad around dinnertime and saw an opportunity to visit one of the most unique sites on campus: the men’s underground bathroom in the History Corner. There’s an […]