It was a slow day. Like most days. Slow and sweaty. I had read the news many times. “Roosevelt’s Health Deteriorates.” “Hitler increases pressure on Neighbors.” “Vodka-powered Russian Army to Defend.” Nothing new. I looked out my window at the stores. Matt’s Laundromat. Kent’s Electronics. The Finer Diner. Same view as for the last fifteen […]
Author: kevin
"Overtoasted" Part 1
So I realize I haven’t stuck much to my weekly plan for updating my blog. I could write a real post, but I think I’m going to punt until after finals finish in 2 days. For my “Humans & Machines” final, I had to create some creative product and do a write-up on how it […]
Stanford 20, Cal 13
Last week of regular season college football, and for many college students, it’s huge. At Stanford, it’s Big Game week. We play our rival, Cal (UC Berkeley), in a crazy game for possession of “The Axe.” The most famous game was played exactly 25 years ago, where Stanford took the lead with 4 seconds on […]
Return of the Jet-lagged
How natural this feels. Old chair, old desk, old room, old life, old people (err, bad parallelism there). I arrived back in Houston on a red-eye flight last Friday night and have had a great time since. Everything is more familiar than I thought it would be. I’ve only been gone for 9 weeks, but […]
It Never Stopped Spinning
Before I came here for college, I went back to my high school several times to practice. I got the most uncanny feeling whenever I saw the cars there, or the teachers walking out the building, or the band equipment scattered in the hallways. It didn’t seem right that kids were waking up at 6, […]
A Little Diversion
I was arduously working on my CS program here at my desk for awhile. Suddenly, everything on my desk started to vibrate. Oh, how typical. Probably someone with really loud bass. But I can’t hear anything. And everything keeps vibrating. And then it’s gone. Such is the super-exciting life of an earthquake. Apparently a decent […]
More Rubbish
Life at college is great. Tons of stuff to do around campus. Just last week, I listened to Jeff Katzenberg, CEO of Dreamworks, talk to us about what’s going on in the world of film and animation production. And past the spectacular events going on, there’s the school work. But it’s a lot different. In […]
Michigan didn’t feel half as bad in their Appalachian State loss as USC does now.
A Night at the Opera
I’m currently taking an introductory seminar called, “A View from the Podium: The Art of Conducting.” Limited to freshmen, and only about 15-20, it’s a specialized class working with the Stanford Orchestra Director to learn about conducting. Watching tapes of the greats, determining their stylistic and musical differences, and such. As part of that, we […]
Yes, I’ll Tell You How College Is…
First note: Rick Ankiel has fallen way off his hot streak. Mebbe the hoopla spread by me and everyone else killed him, but since that 7 RBI game, he’s played another 14 games, with 7 hits in 49 at bats (hope I counted right), which counts for a .143 avg over that time. He’s had […]