So this job (I may have mentioned this about a thousand times, but my job is to write a scheduler/database for dog groomers across the street from Taylor. I get to work from home, make my own hours, and the offer is pretty high.) is finally getting off the ground. I had another client meeting, […]
Author: kevin
Avoiding Summer Stagnation
So, like many, most of my past summers have been pretty boring. I mean, being out of school is awesome and all, but it’s not like we’re really doing ‘nething at all. You can only see your friends so much, and summer jobs usually aren’t the most thrilling. So while there’s absolutely no reason for […]
Short version: I (my mom) paid $200 so that I could fly to Cincinnati, write 1 program, answer 12 multiple-choice question, play Axis & Allies for 8 hrs, and then fly back. Long version: So I skipped most of the 2nd day of DI training to catch a plane with the rest of the Taylor […]
Three Down, One More to Go
What a ride. From being a DI to a Magic-playing Physics teacher, to having more blowoff classes than real classes, to AP Psychology, to the New York Trip, to 2nd place TCEA State, to actually making Region Band, to playing basketball with my US History teacher, to watching the after-effects of Hurricane Katrina, to taking […]
Almost On Top
I could say how it feels like only yesterday that I was arriving at New Marcher’s Fundamentals, and how the last 3 years have been a breeze. But that’s been pretty much a lie. To say that high school so far has been that little is giving a lot so little credit. A lot of […]
Why am I such an Idiot?
So the other day, during band, we were doing a recording session for graduation. If you ‘member, we recorded P&C last year because the Merrell Center wasn’t going to hold an orchestra as well. This year, they decided that P&C is much too boring to play in and out, so on the way out, they […]
A Proposition
I propose, that in honor of randomness, that we make this Thursday “Speak in Song Day”. During this day, all day, whenever you have something to say, you have to say it in song. Regardless of whether you can sing or not, everything must have a beat and a melody to it. It’s likely that […]
End of Another CSC Season
The TCEA Computer Science State Competition was yesterday, and it ending marked the end of the regular CS season (discounting other side contests, including UIL and ACSL). But let’s rewind. Friday was the day we were supposed to bus up to San An for the contest, but Wind Ensemble had UIL, so Fairley, Tom, and […]
A Moment to Relax
Life has been interesting as of late. This being jr year, I feel obligated to say something about the workload, and in the end, all I can say is that it’s a lot more pressure than actual work. And in the midst of the insanity, there’s always time to relax. And TV and video games […]
Some More Thoughts on NY
If you haven’t read the below post, do so before reading this; it’ll make more sense that way. Or not. That’s cool too. So I must say, this is honestly the first true break I think I’ve ever had, in the sense that I’ve felt I’ve needed it and used it. True, every summer break […]