This week was the first opportunity I had to work closely with Peckie, my liaison teacher, as we both supervised the patio area. This situation was helpful in gaining insight into the design of the activities, the background of individual children, techniques for interacting with children, and other perspectives on observed behavior. Peckie pointed out […]
Category: coursework
For most of my time during this past session, I was in the language area, either helping children with stories or watching them set puzzles. Although several children came through, there seemed to be a few children who primarily stayed in this area and that most of my attention was fixed on. N. came in […]
(This quarter, I’m taking Psych147, Development in Early Childhood. The main part of the class is spending some time every week at Bing Nursery School playing with children. As part of the class, we write journal entries every week about our experiences, and given the haphazard form of them, they seem perfectly appropriate for this […]
Experimentation with the Natural World
(I haven’t written in awhile, and I don’t know when I will, so this is intended as filler. This paper is for HISTORY 31: Science, Technology and Art: The Worlds of Leonardo da Vinci. The citation superscripts were lost in the mix, but they’re at the bottom, if unlabeled. Hope you enjoy or at least […]
(This was an essay for my cognitive neuroscience class to review a paper on a neurological disorder. I’m on break this week, so I should get a chance to write something for real soon. In the meantime, you can amuse yourself with the first graphic I have put together. I’m a little proud of it) […]
I wasn’t planning on writing about this, but I ended up writing it for an oral report for my Chinese class. Characters first, Pinyin second, English last, hilariously disjointed and contrived language all around. 上个周末,我父母(parents)来斯坦福大学看我。因为他们来,我舅父(uncle)和他家也来了。星期六,我们打算在旧金山(San Francisco)玩儿。 我们觉得天气会下雨,所以我们要在房子里面开始。十一点,我们去 Golden Gate Park 的 De Young 博物馆(museum)。现在,博物馆有 Tut 国王的陈列(exhibit),可是我听说不太好。因为票很贵,我们没有去看 Tut 国王的陈列。我们只看了被子(quilt)和画。 在博物馆,我差不多跟着我表弟(male cousin) Owen 看。他九岁,有活力(energetic)。他妈妈 Berkeley 毕业,可是他真聪明。我表妹(female cousin) […]
(This is the final draft of my quarter project from my creative non-fiction class. Since I’m not trying to sucker anyone into reading it this time, it’s just all in one post, so I hope you enjoy) I’m sitting on my throne, going through the motions. From my perch on the toilet in the back […]
(See either previous part, or part 1) It’s the end of the week, and research has gone fine. I have enough stories, I think, and return to my home. Daily in hand, I walk in and take a seat in the Robinson 3rd floor bathroom, outside stall. Uncharacteristically, the seat looks dirty, so I pull […]
(See either previous part, or part 1) I had visited the least classy spot, and I needed to see the full spectrum. I planned to be near the quad around dinnertime and saw an opportunity to visit one of the most unique sites on campus: the men’s underground bathroom in the History Corner. There’s an […]
(See either previous part, or part 1) I arrive at Green Library in the morning, business as usual. I swipe my card, walk through the turnstile, and immediately head downstairs. Libraries have the most ingenious ways of scaring off half-hearted scholars: all of the best work is stashed away in rickety spires and dark basements, […]