board games food tabletop games television video games

My 2024 Recommendations

Last year, I lamented having done so little to only have five recommendations. This year, I just barely beat that with six recommendations (and one honorable mention). Let’s get into it. Honorable Mention – TTRPG – Daggerheart

board games food reading television video games

My 2022 Recommendations

From 2022, my recommendations span games, viewing, cooking, and reading. Video Game: Super Mario Galaxy I didn’t grow up with any gaming consoles, so although I played many great PC gaming franchises, I never played the likes of Final Fantasy, Zelda, or GTA. Recently, I tried out Super Mario Odyssey, and I couldn’t put it […]

board games

Board Games Best Played Online

Over the past 2 years, I have played 267 games on Board Game Arena. I have both learned many new games as well as gotten deeper into many of my past favorites. Although I have played a few games live, I mostly play turn-based games over the course of days or weeks. Rather than needing […]

board games food parenting podcasts reading television video games

My 2021 Recommendations

Let’s start with the elephant in the room: the most time-consuming and best thing I did this year was parenting. I hope that continues to be true for many years. However, that doesn’t seem like something I should be generally recommending to everyone, so I still have the rest of this list. TV: Ted Lasso

board games movies reading television video games

My 2020 Recommendations

Before writing my new recommendations, I reviewed my past recommendations and noticed mostly games and long-form content. I usually like those, but that’s not what I found this year. This year, it was mostly shorter, non-interactive online content. That fits with my 2020. I also have written about several of these recommendations already, so I […]

board games

Coop Board Game Etiquette

Despite writing frequently about roleplaying games and video games, I have been playing a lot of board games recently. In fact, I have played about a dozen board games over the past month ranging from casual party games like Scattergories to intense strategy games like Terra Mystica. I enjoy them all for different reasons, but […]

board games food games reading tabletop games television video games

My 2018 Recommendations

Many bloggers write a “Books I Read Last Year” or “Recommended Movies” post at the end of the year. Frankly, I think most people do it because other people do it and because they’re really easy to write. It’s a total cop-out for generating content. In fact, it’s such a good cop-out that I’m going […]

board games

Shifting Towards “The Resistance”

After AP tests at the end of senior year in high school, there wasn’t much to do in class. Our teachers didn’t have anything to teach, and we weren’t particularly motivated to learn, so we were stuck in a room full of peers for 51 minutes until the bell rang and couldn’t get too loud. […]

board games

Finally Settling

“Really? How have you never played Settlers of Catan?” Despite playing many board games now, I didn’t play Settlers until just last week, which led to the reaction above from various friends. Many people are first introduced to more serious, strategy board games shortly after college, and Settlers of Catan tends to be where it […]

board games projects software engineering

The Board Game Chooser: find a board game for any occasion with a few simple questions

My friends and I have been playing a lot of games together recently. It’s quite remarkable how much time one has when no longer in school, and given how much time we spend together, it always helps to find fun, accessible activities for us to do together. Enter board games. It turns out there’s a […]