
Baking the Terrazzo Cake

A few months ago, I got hooked on last year’s season of Great British Bake-off (GBB). They are amateur bakers, and no one has made everything before, but they must have exceptional skill and experience to pull off these creations, right? Fake modesty is very British, but I wondered: how hard is this really? What […]

board games food tabletop games television video games

My 2024 Recommendations

Last year, I lamented having done so little to only have five recommendations. This year, I just barely beat that with six recommendations (and one honorable mention). Let’s get into it. Honorable Mention – TTRPG – Daggerheart

New Year's Goals

My 2025 Goals

Over the years, I have bounced around with different methodologies for doing my annual reviews. Although I wanted a one, true way to do it, I now think that annual reviews should be different. Annual review provide a different perspective on life by stepping back from day-to-day life. Different review methods also helps to get […]

New Year's Goals

My 2024 Goals Review

In recent years, I have been slipping on reviewing and setting annual goals. I used to set goals during the winter holidays, which were a nice respite and reset from the regular routine. The holidays are still a change of pace, but since having children, they haven’t provided the same distance from life to reflect […]


TV Roundup 2023-2024

This post was originally titled “Recent TV Roundup”, but several years is probably pushing the definition of recent. Given how long ago some of this was, my comments are also likely sketchy. Andor Season 1 Many people liked this show. I did not. I found it slow and kept wondering when the payoff would be. […]


My Two Bits of Parenting Advice

When I speak to friends who don’t have children yet, they often ask if I have any advice on being a parent. Being only a few years into the experience, I don’t know how any of our decisions will pan out into teenage years or beyond. However, the question isn’t usually about that: usually the […]

parenting personal

Our Minor Bout with COVID

I intended to write a post about the Olympics, but on the day of the closing ceremony, one of my children tested positive for COVID. And in a few days, we all had it. Thankfully, we are all previously vaccinated and have no other notable risk factors. We were never actually worried and didn’t have […]


Meal Tracking

When it was just Julie and me, figuring out meals was easy. We enjoy a broad variety of food, so most options worked. However, adding children really changed the process. First, they have preferences, and those don’t necessarily match ours. Second, we have been more deliberate about meeting all of their nutritional needs to both […]


How I Staycationed

With two young children, we couldn’t be bothered to figure out the logistics of actually traveling, so we took three days of work to stay at home. To make it an actual vacation, we took the children in to daycare to spend the time how we wanted to. To make the most of it, I […]


Life with Two Children

Last year, Julie and I had our second child. Although everything is always changing in the life of a young child, we had mostly developed routines and rhythms to life. That consistency was a secondary sign that we were ready to have everything change again. Life with two children is different from life with one […]