
Upgrading a Decade-Old MacBook Pro

Just over ten years ago, I wrote about upgrading to the first generation retina 15″ MacBook Pro. It would replace my five year old college laptop with a slimmer, more powerful computer with a state-of-the-art display. Today, I’m tapping out this blog post on the same mid-2012 retina MacBook Pro. It has lasted me twice […]


A Toddler’s Social Calendar

I have had a difficult time explaining to my coworkers and friends without children how becoming a parent changed my life. In most ways, I’m the same person: I still like the same foods, have the same day job, and dress the same way. On the other hand, I now take a lot more photos, […]

tabletop games

Running My First Solo Adventure

Normally when I know I only have one player available, I just cancel the session and pick up next time. Last week, however, I made an exception for a few reasons. The player was behind on experience from the rest of the group We had already skipped a few weeks beforehand We were between major […]


A Tale of Two Taste Tests

Recently, a coworker mentioned that growing up, he had blue ketchup. It didn’t taste different. It wasn’t some other type of tomato. Heinz just thought it would be fun to put blue food coloring into ketchup. Although it’s no longer available, this product wasn’t the end of Heinz’s innovations in ketchup. In fact, in our […]

parenting personal video games

Changed My Mind: 2021 Edition Part 2

This post is a followup to Part 1 where I reflect specifically on cases where I have learned, grown up, or adapted to new circumstances. Physical Books This one is a cop-out because I still actually prefer reading ebooks for myself. However, I have a new reason to want to have physical books around. I […]


My Experience with Parent & Toddler Swim Lessons

Author’s Note: If you’re wondering why I say “My,” my intent with this blog is not to go into too much detail about either my daughter (for the parenting parts) or my players (for the TTRPG parts). Neither have given their consent per se to be discussed in this blog, so it’s just my side […]

tabletop games

5 Player Rewards That Won’t Break Your Game

Players love to be rewarded just in the course of playing. I won’t wade into the argument between “participation trophy” versus ”90% of success is just showing up.” However, there is a narrow middle path that should make your player happy. I worry about giving players too much good stuff: that Potion of Invisibility sounds […]


3 Weeks With An Induction Cooktop

By the time we moved out of our last place, I had come to terms with the electric stove. I just needed to set a five minute timer for my pans to pre-heat. So when I moved into our current place about a year ago, I was very excited to get a gas cooktop. However, […]


Our First Overnight Trip

I wish our first trip away from home was for leisure, but it was not. We had some work on the house that meant we had to stay away for two nights. As such, we booked two nights at the hotel about a mile away and prepared ourselves for traveling with children.

D&D tabletop games

GMing Without… Anything

Recently, I proudly wrote about trying to run an analog campaign. After years of adding more and more digital tools, I dropped all of that for paper. I thought that restriction was good enough. However, last week, surprise constraints pushed me even further. On the day of my weekly game, I took my car in […]