Well, not back in H-town, but that’ll come soon enough (right around New Year, I believe). Just back to blogging. For those of you who enjoy this, you’re welcome. Else, sorry for clogging up your RSS feed.So I just got back into Beijing today at 6 in the morning after a midnight flight from Singapore. […]
Author: kevin
Shopping in China
I’m sure you’ve all heard about markets, whether from people (like me) who have shown you the DVDs, or 1st-hand on the streets of New York Chinatown. Lemme break it down for you:Homogeneous products: everyone is selling the same thing. The branding isn’t distinguished between the sellers. Somehow, someone has a massive factory churning out […]
Xi’an gets a lot juicier
So I think I’ll blame the fact that my eyes are constantly a little sore on the air ’round these parts. Didn’t even bring my contacts, and even when not tired, it’s been less than optimal.By North American standards, China is a dirty place. The air is a nightmare for asthmatics, especially during the summer. […]
Day 1… or 2…
(read the previous entry if you want to keep things in order) So the plane got into Beijing yesterday in the afternoon, and we didn’t have too much of a problem. Thankfully, they aren’t nearly as much of a pain here as they are in the US. Security has become quite the thing, apparently. Good […]
(Wrote this one on the plane yesterday. Looking back, I was extremely irritable right then.) It’s interesting how just about everything seems worse when on a plane.For those of you who haven’t been, you’re not missing anything. Trust me; you do not miss the seats that make your butt hurt, the wonderful odors of your […]
Because I know some of you are extremely curious, I got deferred from Harvard. So I’m wondering why more kids aren’t scarred young. Think about it.1) Parents tell their kids that Santa exists and brings presents.2) Santa’s elves make all of the toys.3) Santa brings toys, like Legos, video games, whatever is cool in Barbies, […]
Humans are incredibly short-sighted creatures.For example, Region Band Auditions are Saturday. I’m extremely set on doing extremely well. Yet, instead of taking the time to walk over to my backpack and pull out my mouthpiece to at least buzz along with the recording, I’ve spent the past hour doing, effectively, nothing of note. Not necessarily […]
Sorry for the Delay
I actually really don’t have an excuse. Thanks for giving me a break though.(haha?)I’m not really sure what to write about. Which is why I’ve probably been delayed. Welcome to a medley of thoughts. If you haven’t seen the footage of Sam McGuffie, then you must. Search YouTube (accidental plug) for him. That first one […]
My Life
This entry is dedicated to my life.So band is going to be all inclusive for the next 3 weeks (even moreso than normal), with some event on every day (well, 2 of those are TBD) except sundays. Fun, right?It’s crazy how contradictory this comes off, because if you talk to band kids right now, about […]
IE7; the new… Firefox?
So I just installed IE7 (http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/default.mspx), and I must say it’s quite nice. I can already say I’m used to it.Because it’s basically Firefox.Of course, mebbe I’m just behind on the times. I haven’t used IE in quite awhile, but from what I ‘member, it was quite lacking. I then switched over to FF, which […]