D&D takes a long time. Movies are around two hours long. MLB has been shortening baseball games because three hours was too long. The average commute (during the before times of 2019) was about a half-hour. And yet, when you ask people about their weekly games, it sounds like sessions commonly go on for around […]
Author: kevin
Retaining What I Learn Revisited
In 2019, I set a goal to retain more of what I learned. I enjoy consuming a variety of educational media in books, newsletters, podcasts, and more, but I had difficulty retaining it much of it. By the end of that year, I called it a mixed success with a few takeaways: Mental reviews immediately […]
Daylight Saving Time Listicle
Twice a year, we all ask ourselves, “So what was the point of this in the first place?” Well, I thought I knew why we change our clocks, but apparently I was wrong. Here’s assorted list of Daylight Saving Time facts. Some of these are easily picked out of the Wikipedia article, but a few […]
I always find it interesting when I change my mind about something. It can happen at any time for any reason, and I might not become conscious of it for awhile. However, when I actually realize it, it’s an interesting moment. It’s hard to remember my previous mindset and reconcile why it happened. Some amount […]
Board Games Best Played Online
Over the past 2 years, I have played 267 games on Board Game Arena. I have both learned many new games as well as gotten deeper into many of my past favorites. Although I have played a few games live, I mostly play turn-based games over the course of days or weeks. Rather than needing […]
My 2022 Goals

You might say that I’m 6 weeks late in setting goals for the entire year. I am going to spin that and say that I just have gotten past the typical New Year’s resolution failure point and am going with something sustainable. Play “Happy Birthday” on Ukulele every day Band was probably the most important […]

Let’s start with the elephant in the room: the most time-consuming and best thing I did this year was parenting. I hope that continues to be true for many years. However, that doesn’t seem like something I should be generally recommending to everyone, so I still have the rest of this list. TV: Ted Lasso
2021 Goals Review
At the beginning of the year, I set three goals. I already wrote about baking 52 batches of cookies, so I’ll only cover the other two goals here. Re-establish Routines Before 2021, I had been trying to develop better habits and routines. At the beginning of the year, I was a new parent, and my […]

At the beginning of 2021, I set the goal to bake 52 batches of cookies. Since then, I have gone through countless sticks of butter and bags of flour to bake over a thousand cookies. I have been asked many times what my favorite cookie was and what I learned from the experience. Now that […]
Baking King Arthur’s Pumpkin Biscotti

On the one hand, holiday baking makes my cookie goal quite seasonable. On the other hand, that means we already have too many sweets around to be baking even more cookies. I had to find a cookie that didn’t really seem like a cookie. A few weeks ago, the King Arthur blog posted tips for […]