Dang. Crucial.In about a week, it’s back to band.It’s awfully sad how quickly the summer has gone. It’s been fun, but it’s been a blur. I swore to myself I was going to slow this one down and have lots of fun, and I have(had lots of fun). But it’s still gone.With everyone with various […]
Author: kevin
http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/news_story.asp?id=130274W00t!!!!!!!!Hockey is back!!!!!!The Canadian Economy will bounce back!!!!
Reflecting on a Blur
Honestly, I can’t really ‘member what happened last week.Had library duty on Tuesday(though not Monday, thank goodness) as usual, which sucked, as usual. Shelved a bit, then had the wonderful chore of shoveling kitty litter into balloons to be used as juggling balls for an upcoming event.Yup.My partner at library duty quit because of that. […]
Painting and Such
Firefox is still being a pain, so I’m stuck using IE again. The horrors…Well, we’ve finally started my mom’s project to repaint most of the house. We’ve had it for awhile, so I guess it’s time. Started with the dining room, which I managed to finish in a day. Yellow, as my mom has always […]
Summer… stuff
Well, my firefox cookies aren’t right or something, and Blogger can’t seem to get this right, so I’m using IE right now *shock* *runs away*.So ‘neways, let’s see… my mom got me started in this thing called “Exam Club” run by TestMasters. While usually they do classes, etc etc, this way, I (well, my mom) […]
Another Week of Summer…
Well, I’m still up, anxiously waiting till midnight to see my SAT II results on collegeboard.com (jerks better put it up at midnight…). This is crucial stuff, I gotta know…Found a recording of the Blue Devils’ Channel One Suite on their website, http://www.bluedevils.org/programs/a/1986/media/audio/channelone.mp3, if you want to listen. Very interesting, very exciting stuff, though I […]
I’m Back…..
Wow.I’m actually sitting on an airplane as I write this(well, actually, as of now, I’m in front of my computer reading the blog I wrote out on paper on the plane because I felt there’s WAY too much to ‘member in one sitting.) So Hong Kong. Well, the flight over was fine if you consider […]
Almost Gone…
Well, in about 12 hrs, I’m gonna be leaving for Hong Kong. Exciting stuff, eh? Should be interesting… only started packing a couple hours ago. It’s odd, because in my family, we usually start packing a week in advance, but this time… as I shuffled through the vast array of junk(I realize now how much […]
Stories of Summer
Summer is glorious beyond all gloriousness.And I’ve never enjoyed it so much.In the past, I’ve always just kind of stayed at home and vegged all summer, but not this year. This year is going to be so awesome.Sort of.Well, the day after school got out, I got a chance to bring Nerd Football back, and […]
Strange Places…
Just got back from a dealie at Evan’s house, so no bets on quality.Uh, sh*t, I realized I completely just shifted from Dixon’s POV using “I” to 3rd person using “Dixon” in the past couple chunks. Oops…. STORYTIME!!!! Waking up in a strange room with menacing men holding weapons no longer scared me. Or even […]