
Should I “Old Enough!” My Toddler?

I promise I have more thoughts on parenting than just watching TV and movies, but Old Enough! is a big enough that I have to stay topical. Old Enough! has apparently been on Japanese TV for awhile, but it just made a big splash on Netflix a few weeks ago. Children go on errands all […]


3 Stages of Watching Family Movies

Like many others, I grew up on Disney movies. My family had an extensive collection of VHS tapes, from Snow White & the Seven Dwarves to The Lion King. And when we weren’t watching the movies themselves, we also had the singalong tapes to annoy my parents. My sisters and I loved those movies as […]

parenting personal technology

Changed My Mind: 2021 Edition Part 1

I always find it interesting when I change my mind about something. It can happen at any time for any reason, and I might not become conscious of it for awhile. However, when I actually realize it, it’s an interesting moment. It’s hard to remember my previous mindset and reconcile why it happened. Some amount […]

board games food parenting podcasts reading television video games

My 2021 Recommendations

Let’s start with the elephant in the room: the most time-consuming and best thing I did this year was parenting. I hope that continues to be true for many years. However, that doesn’t seem like something I should be generally recommending to everyone, so I still have the rest of this list. TV: Ted Lasso

New Year's Goals parenting personal

2021 Goals Review

At the beginning of the year, I set three goals. I already wrote about baking 52 batches of cookies, so I’ll only cover the other two goals here. Re-establish Routines Before 2021, I had been trying to develop better habits and routines. At the beginning of the year, I was a new parent, and my […]

food parenting

Baking How Sweet Eat’s Lactation Cookies

Among the everything that changes when having a baby, I have discovered whole new areas of retail just under my nose. A few months ago, I learned there was a Carters two doors down from the game store I went to every other week. I had driven and walked by it time and time again […]