college life

Overheard at Office Hours

Some great things I heard today while at office hours. Who knew getting help on a problem set could be so much fun? 1. (This one is second-hand, about a student’s matlab code of a learning algorithm) Student: Can I still get most of the points if I’m not getting the right results? TA: If you […]


You Use This Washroom Often? By Kevin Leung

(This is the final draft of my quarter project from my creative non-fiction class. Since I’m not trying to sucker anyone into reading it this time, it’s just all in one post, so I hope you enjoy) I’m sitting on my throne, going through the motions. From my perch on the toilet in the back […]


The Aftermath of Big Game

I woke up yesterday morning on the the couch. Not the bad sort of waking up on the couch, but the two-room double and not wanting to be in the bedroom sort of waking up. The sun through the window told and scolded me for sleeping in, but Daylight Savings Time meant that I had […]


Tom’s Room, Draft 1

Here’s something I wrote for my creative non-fiction class. The assignment was to write a 700 word portrait of someone, keeping sensory details in mind. This is my first run at it. I got some good feedback today in class, so there might be a revision. “You want any diet soda? I have a ton […]

college life

Tuba – Take 2

After dinner last night, I grabbed my tuba and made the 10 minute walk to Dinkelspiel Auditorium (Dink) for rehearsal. I arrived a little late, but rehearsal hadn’t started yet, so I sat down next to the bass trombone and began unpacking. After chatting with Michael, the bass trombone player, and warming up some, we […]

college life

That’s a Wrap!

This past Wednesday, I left my probability final with a feeling of freedom. The following day, I slept in until 11:30 and drifted around for the rest of the day, picking at various tasks in between time-wasting activities. Yesterday, the only two notable activities were talking to Evan on the phone and going to play […]

college life

Through My Eyes

I like to post about exciting stuff. I try to post about insightful stuff. Unfortuantely, most of my life is neither, which does leave a gaping hole in my blog, since it is supposed to be about it. It’s also very hard for me to determine what happens in my life at the end of […]

college life


There’s the common perception that techies are somewhat spacey, unaware of what’s actually going on in the world. When programmers spend their time building artificial creations in virtual spaces, sometimes it’s hard to find the connection to the plight of the unemployed, or international conflict. Which might be a little true of me. My google […]

college life

Clapping for Class

Well, the end of the quarter has come, and almost all classes ended earlier today. The end of things can be bittersweet, but here, the emotion is mostly relief. With 10 week quarters, midterms begin as early as week 3 and last through week 10, meaning that most classes are more sprinting than marathoning. But […]

college life

Back on The Farm, Working The Farm

Excuse my silence; I’ve been having a blast. My schedule has come down thick, but I can now pick two more classes that were locked last year for requirements. And so, I’m currently in math class so far beyond my understanding that not only can I not answer homework questions, I don’t even know how […]