food television

Baking Ted Lasso’s Biscuits

Don’t worry: I won’t spoil Ted Lasso season 2 because I haven’t seen it myself yet. However, I did enjoy season 1 enough that I wrote a blog post about it. In fact, I think Ted Lasso might have been contributed to setting this goal: if Coach Lasso could find time to bake and make […]


Baking ATK’s Snickerdoodles

Having baked and handed out so many cookies, I have learned a few things about cookie preferences. First, chocolate chip cookies really are the best cookies. They just work. Second, oatmeal and peanut butter are both more popular in cookies than I expected. Not everyone likes them, but I just had the impression that more […]


Baking Sarah Kieffer’s White Chocolate, Rosemary, and Apricot Cookies

Did you know that white chocolate and apricot is a common combination? I didn’t until I was about to write this blog post and came across a number of such recipes online while trying to find a link to share. I first came across this recipe while looking to clear out half a bag of […]


Baking King Arthur’s Chocolate Chip Cookies

Most blogs are run on blog hosting platforms or websites builders where you pick a URL and a theme and just start writing. At the other extreme, some people have a server sitting in their closet at home and have setup everything from there. is somewhere in the middle: I rent time on a […]


Baking Smitten Kitchen’s Confetti Cookies

This week, I wanted to bake cookies for my niece. I asked my sister (her mother) if she had any preferences, and I first learned that she doesn’t like chocolate as much. Well, that definitely rules out a lot of cookies. However, she loves sprinkles: not only was that clear direction, I also love sprinkles. […]


Baking Sally’s Cream Cheese Stuffed Red Velvet Cookies

Has red velvet been around and popular for a long time? I feel like red velvet had a major revival right around the time that gourmet cupcakes became popular. Red cake with a huge dollop of cream cheese on top just works, both for a sweet tooth and the pictures to post online. The concept, […]


Baking Sugar Spun Run’s Meringue Cookies

I was trying to wedge a bag of frozen shrimp into my freezer when I determined I needed to clear out some ingredients. Looking over the shelves in the door, I saw a deli container of egg whites and thought about the cookie options for just using a lot of egg whites. Meringues. Everyone on […]


Baking Chocolate Sugar Cookies with Mint

When I set the goal of baking 52 batches of cookies, I knew I needed a plan for getting rid of them. Thankfully, there are no shortage of people in this world who welcome homemade cookies, even during a pandemic. I have been sharing cookies for occasions like birthdays, and when I picked this recipe, […]


Baking DŌ Brownie Batter

Although Julie and I used to cook and do other chores together, we have changed tactics since having a baby. It’s more fun having company, but it isn’t quite so practical to have two people going to Target when I can go by myself. It’s enough just to video call her from the shampoo aisle […]


Baking Sarah Kieffer’s Pan-Banging Chocolate Chip Cookies

Despite posting my cookie baking experience week after week, I’m not very deep into the social media baking world. I had a brief Instagram phase a few years ago, and I more recently tried to turn a few of these posts into Twitter threads. However, I otherwise miss out on most baking trends unless they […]