When I set my cookie goal, I was hoping I would go a little further than just rote baking. Even beyond the experiments and improving technique, I thought it would be cool to come up with my own cookie recipe. Well. I’m not quite there yet. I have learned a lot, but I’m not sure […]
Tag: cookie
Baking King Arthur’s Solstice Shortbread

Especially since we got a bread machine, we go through a lot of King Arthur flour. I have never bought another brand of bread flour, and we typically keep a few extra bags just in case. I have followed their blog for a long time, and although I have bookmarked plenty of breads and cakes […]
Baking The Food Lab’s Chocolate Chip Cookies

In various aspects of life, I have experts that I trust implicitly. Ialways look at the Wirecutter first for product reviews. I didn’t miss Obama’s summer reading list. And in cooking, I just do whatever Kenji says. Mostly. I appreciate that Kenji believe that taste is subjective and that you should always experiment, but more […]
Baking SimplyRecipes’s Banana Cookies

I love buying loose bananas. I’m not picky about how ripe or bruised my bananas are, so I’m happy to pay just a half or quarter of the price. The extra bananas go into my freezer, which make great smoothies and banana bread. For many years, banana bread was my go-to baked good. It’s easy […]

Among the everything that changes when having a baby, I have discovered whole new areas of retail just under my nose. A few months ago, I learned there was a Carters two doors down from the game store I went to every other week. I had driven and walked by it time and time again […]
Baking Dorie’s Crash-O-Cookies

Throughout this year of baking cookies, Julie has been happily sampling and rating all of the cookies. It’s tough to do exact head-to-head comparisons, but we have come up with tiers to give us some sense of which we like more. So far, I have observed a few trends. First, chocolate chip cookies are all […]

I used to think that if cooking was like art, baking was like science. In cooking, there’s some creativity and flair to standing over a pot or pan and figuring out how to make the best dish. In baking, it’s better to follow the recipe with precision of measurements to get exactly the desired results. […]

The world is filled with great, varied ethnic cuisines: a Mediterranean salad instantly conjures a different set of ingredients and flavors from an Asian salad. A Hungarian stew is completely unlike an Indian stew. However, regional or ethnic naming has also been picked up in marketing and recipe making as a shorthand for minor variations […]
Baking Bouchon Bakery’s Better Nutters

When we used the KonMari method to throw away everything that didn’t spark joy, we had a tough time deciding on our cookbooks. The obvious test for whether we liked a cookbook is how frequently we use it, but that wasn’t enough. Some had sentimental value. Others made for great aspirational cooking but were somewhat […]
Baking Bravetart’s Oatmeal Cookies

Despite being the recipe in the first post, Dorie’s Moroccan Semolina and Almond Cookies weren’t actually the first batch of cookies I made in this spree. I can’t quite remember whether the cookies or the goal came first, but one sleep-deprived morning, I woke up and just felt like I needed to make cookies and […]