Some people claim to have “dessert stomachs” where they can always find room for cake or ice cream even after a meal. I, on the other hand, have a “dim sum stomach”. At most meals, I usually eat about as much as other people. However, as the steamer trays fill the table, my appetite and […]
Category: food
Fish and Chips in London. Croissants in Paris. Pizza in Rome. Sausages in Bavaria. Gelato in Florence. On our trip across Europe, we gathered plenty of food recommendations to truly experience the different cuisines. Some we missed. Some were as expected. Some were duds. Some were great. However, we did have a couple surprise hits […]
My 2019 Recommendations
2019 has been a very different year of likes from 2018. In 2018, I had a pile of video and tabletop games that I had to debate amongst to fit in. This year, I’m grasping at games. In 2018, I wasn’t totally happy with my book choices. Yes I liked Crucial Conversations, but it isn’t […]
Cook Without a Recipe

In my last post, I started reviewing my 2019 goals with the easiest one: playing more games. I’m continuing this trend from easy to hard by reviewing my cooking goal. Cook without a recipe once a week
Finding the Best Impossible Burger

I love the Impossible Burger. I advertise it on this blog. I recommend it to my coworkers. I have taken every member of Julie’s immediate family to try it. On those grounds, I would consider myself a super-fan except that I have met an even greater fan. My friend Alex, in 2 weeks, ate 10 […]
No More Milk Pail

For the last few years, Julie and I have kept roughly the same routine for grocery shopping. On the weekend, we plan our meals for the week, assemble our shopping list in our shared Reminders list on our phones, then go shopping. Typically, we would first go to the Milk Pail, a local European-style market, […]
Many bloggers write a “Books I Read Last Year” or “Recommended Movies” post at the end of the year. Frankly, I think most people do it because other people do it and because they’re really easy to write. It’s a total cop-out for generating content. In fact, it’s such a good cop-out that I’m going […]
Recently, I caught a podcast episode of The Splendid Table where “Nigella Lawson Defends the Honor of Home Cooking.” She recently wrote an article on Lenny Letter arguing that people shouldn’t say that they are “just a home cook.” The word “just” implies that home cooks are less than a chef where Lawson seems them as distinct […]

Since I started working about 7 years ago, I have eaten oatmeal for breakfast before work about 4 out of every 5 weekdays. Just recently, Julie and I decided that she would take over oatmeal-making duties to better align our morning schedules, and I had to show her how to do it.
Kevin’s Cooking Tips

I started cooking during the summer after my freshmen year at college. Growing up, I had watched my mom cook steak, stir-fry, salmon, and countless other home cooked meals. However, my own experience was primarily expert microwave timings and occasionally baking desserts. Needless to say, the first summer was rough.